Thursday, 8 December 2016

First day of filming

Our first day of filming was a great success as we were able to get the most difficult scenes out the way with. We decided to film scenes 2,4,5,6&7 as we filmed this in the day and only included the interior not the exterior allows us to still play around with the natural lighting.Scenes 2,6&7 are filmed in a block of flats whereas scenes 4&5 were filmed in Lucy's house so we had to pay very close attention to the mice en scene as we tried not to get the banisters in the shots , as that would of gave away the illusion of a 'party' happening in a block of flats.

Scene 7
Scene two was extremely difficult to film because of the natural lighting being visible in the scene from behind the door. We tried to fix this problem by asking Emma and Helin to hold a blanket infant of the window to block the natural light as the blinds were too sheer. Eventually this worked and we were happy with the way it turned out.
(not the best quality,sorry!)

The party scene was the quickest to film. We placed masking tape along the floor so in scene 4&5 Lucy is walking along the same line , this helps keep the frame central. We want to make sure that the     
contrast between scenes 4&5 are very noticeable. The bright party lights glancing off Lucy's face contrasting with a frame of Lucy were the lighting is dull and grainy.
A photo from scene 4